Assert Yourself
a three-day training course for unleashing your assertiveness
Do you want to
- Say No and stick to it in a firm and respectful way?
- Ask for what you want and not come across as aggressive?
- Be confident when addressing a large audience?
- Give and receive criticism in a careful and professional way?
- Stand firm in rough discussions and handle your fear?
- Empower your body language?
- Find your own powerful assertiveness as an introvert?
- Train your own assertive style and get tips for improving it?
- Have a plan for your assertiveness development?
– then this hands-on assertiveness training course is for you.
The benefit for you & your organization
You enhance cooperation and productivity
Others will listen to you
You contribute to your team´s performance
You come across as secure and trustworthy
You reduce your fear and enhance your clarity and power
You feel safe expressing your opinion, feelings and disagreement
Course Content
- Insights and Values
Discover behaviour – is it submissive, aggressive, manipulative or assertive?
Your own strengths and vulnerabilities in behaviour
Getting out of the comfort zone and into action
Our 11 personal rights in communication
Adopting an assertive attitude – Look for solution, not for somebody to blame
- Assertive Skills Tool Kit
Taking time to think clearly
The powerful “I” statements
Making requests clearly and respectfully
Saying “no” so you are understood
Responding to manipulation
Blocking bullying
Discovering your powerful body language
Receiving and giving negative feed back and criticism
- Making the learned stick
The brain´s resistance to change
Create long lasting new habits
Establishing training groups for support and feedback
Course Format
Open and In-house course
The course can be taken either as an Open Course or as an In-house Course.
Residential, 2 days: 1. Day: 10 am-5.30 pm, 2 day: 8.30 am- 4 pm
Follow-up Day 3-4 weeks later: 10 am to 5 pm with reflection & training
Phases The Assertiveness Course falls into three phases:
- Pre work
Participants send in reflections upon their challenges and hence their expectations for the course outcome. - During Course
Presentation of theory behind assertiveness training
Individual reflection
Dialogue in pairs
Role play in groups with feedback
- Implementing the learned Assertiveness
Establishing after-course training groups
8 – 12 persons.
Contact me for an offer that matches your wishes and ideas of venue.
Trainer: MPsc and cert. assertiveness trainer Agnete Munck
Agnete Munck
cert. assertiveness trainer,
cert. MBTI/JTI
cert. EQi,
cert. The Four Rooms of Change©,
trained in Psychodynamic Group Facilitation and in supervision.
CTI Co-Active Coaching Course
Agnete resides in Copenhagen, Denmark and works all over Europe.
Mob. +45 4011 5296