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About Agnete Munck – Agnete Munck

About Agnete Munck

My name is Agnete Munck. For more that twenty years I have had the honour to help people work with their personal growth.

Witnessing clarity and self-respect unfold in people is immensely rewarding and a great joy in my work. My clients´ trust is a privilege for me and our cooperation is truly fun and an enlightening learning experience.

I would love to work with you as well. My vision is your wellbeing and thriving at work. Happiness at work comes from producing results and having healthy relationships.

Getting to results stems from seeing the job as meaningful and setting great goals and good working environment.

Healthy relationships occur when you
– Are authentic and responsible
– Are looking for solutions and not someone to blame
– Are honest and clear in a non-aggressive way
– Give feedback and feedforward in a balanced way
– Take action when needed, overcoming fear and doing what’s necessary

When you work with me, you
• will strengthen your self-esteem
• step on to your platform of power within
• will learn how to handle difficult situations
• will see clear non-aggressive communication in your team
• acquire tools that solve conflicts

My clients choose me because I
• am perceptive and empathic
• am analytical and precise
• sense what is beneath the surface
• deliver practical tools
• help you move forward in your life and work

Review from Elena, march 2019:
“After a particularly challenging period professionally as well as personally
I was looking for a training or a coach. I wanted the coach to help me clarify what I wanted and how I could achieve my goals.
In Agnete I found more than a trainer; I see her as something of a life coach.
Combining practical exercises with more personal conversations, she directed me towards taking charge of my life and owning up to who I am and what I need and want.
Through role-playing we practiced challenging situation. I managed to get a deeper understanding through her very well matched reading suggestions.
I found that Agnete´s down to earth and personal approach worked very well for me, as it showed me through her own behaviour what it means to be assertive.
In addition she was extremely flexible, so we could really create the kind of coaching that suited me at any moment.”

I look forward to meeting you.

Agnete Munck
Personal Development for Leaders and Teams.
MPSc and MA, University of Aarhus, Denmark
Certified in Jung’s Type Indicator, MBTI and JTI
Certified in E-Qi, Emotional Intelligence

Certified Assertiveness Trainer
Co-active coaching training from CTI

Call me for a chat on +45 4011 5296
Agnete resides in Copenhagen and works all over Europe